

The File Manager is your primary storage for all Project Documentation. Within the File Manager there are three main areas:
The Folders, the files within a folder, and the file details and attributes:

Tree structure

1. Tree structure
In this pane you can see the tree structure of the folders you have visibility of, based on your security permissions.
Normally, the client has visibility of all folders in the project; the consultant can 'view only' its contractors folders apart from its own folders and finally, contractors have visibility only of their own folders. This is just a standard setup, but it can always be amended as per project's requirements.
Left click on a folder will make it active, so it will be highlighted in orange as the training folder in the pic on the left.
Having that folder active, if you right click on it, you will get a contextual menu showing different options. You can see it in the picture on the left.
Available options in this menu will depend on your permissions.
Normally, a superuser (doc control) should be the one customizing the structure, creating the folders and assigning appropiate names to keep it organized.
New folder and Rename options are self-explicative. In 'Edit Folder' you can rename the folder and set the user permissions (admin users are the ones setting the permissions).
You can upload a file using the upload option in this menu or using the button in the Folder Content (see next section).

Folder Content

2. Folder Content
In this pane you will see the content of the current folder selected. On the top menu you can upload a file, use other actions and save the current layout.
Then you have the files list. When you click in one file it gets highlighted and its details are shown in the 'File details' pane (see next section).
Remember, you can always move the columns in the way you prefer and save it as your default layout.
You can download the current file by clicking in the hiperlink in the column File Name.

File Details

3. File Details
Finally, in this section you can see all the details that you filled in when uploading the file.
You can change some of these details and save them by clicking in the floppy disk icon afterwards.
Bear in mind that these changes will affect the numbering of the file, so make sure it is really necesary that you change those details.
Changes will not be allowed if that file is already 'linked' or 'attached' to a manage document i.e. Correspondence.
We will explain in depth the different attributes available when uploading a file and how the document number is generated in the next section.
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