  • Document Event Log

Document Event Log

With the Document Event Log you can see the traffic of documents between parties in a determined period of time.
Document Event Log

Change view mode

With these options you can choose how to sort the documents using three parameters in a breakdown:
  • Date: filter by day and each day will contain the different Work Packages.
  • Work Package: filter by Work Packages and each one will be broken down by day.
  • Doc Type: filter by Work Packages and each one will be broken down by document type.
    You can use the view of your preference depending on your tasks. E.g. if we need to review a report of all submittals traffic during the past seven days, the best view to use would be "View by Work Package & Doc Type"

Date range

You can select the range of time you want to check across these options. Bear in mind that for longer periods it might take a considerable amount of time in loading the report depending on the traffic of the project.

Status of the document

Here you can see a description of the status of the document with an icon which means if it is submitted, returned, answered...
Hover over the cursor to see a tooltip of the icon.

Filtering Document Event Log

There is an advanced option to filter the results of the search. To display this advanced filter just click on the highlighted button.
You will be able to edit the fields after uncheck the NULL checkbox. If you leave it checked the filter will ignore this field.
Once you have filled in the parameters of your interest, press the "View Report" on the right side to apply the filter.
This is very useful in case you are willing to check, for instance, only correspondences from the PMC in the last seven days, as shown in the screenshot above.
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